Mar Sleeva Medicity Palai
Mar Sleeva Medicity Palai is a quaternary care hospital founded by the Diocese of Palai and entrusted to the Pala Diocesan Medical Education Trust (PDMET) for its management and administration. It is intended to provide advanced medical facilities to all while observing the medical ethics, morals, and principles upheld by the Catholic Church.
Msgr. Dr Joseph Kanniyodickal
Recognising the need for a user-friendly healthcare website, Webandcrafts, led by Abin, helped turn our vision into reality. Their humble approach, collaboration, and continuous communication made the project a success.
Mar Sleeva Medicity Palai
Mar Sleeva Medicity Palai is a quaternary care hospital founded by the Diocese of Palai and entrusted to the Pala Diocesan Medical Education Trust (PDMET) for its management and administration. It is intended to provide advanced medical facilities to all while observing the medical ethics, morals, and principles upheld by the Catholic Church.
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