20 Best Advertisement Examples of All Time for Creative Inspiration

20 Best Advertisement Examples of All Time for Creative Inspiration

By Renish TW, SEO Manager at Webandcrafts with over 6 years of experience in SEO and content strategy. He holds a Bachelor's degree in English and excels in crafting strategies that enhance online visibility and drive business growth.
  • Published in Blog on September 29, 2024
  • Last Updated on October 01, 2024
  • 9 mins read
Best Advertisement Examples

Ads are everywhere these days - on buses, billboards, and maybe even in your dreams. 

But some ads stand out from the crowd. They're not your average "Buy this now!" messages. These are the ads that make you look twice, laugh out loud, or feel something unexpected.

We're talking about the clever, funny, and sometimes weird commercials that stick in your mind long after you've seen them. They don't just sell products - they entertain, surprise, and sometimes even inspire.

These aren't your typical ads. They break the rules, think outside the box, and often leave you wondering, "What just happened?" They're the kind of ads you actually want to share with your friends.

From funny TV commercials to clever billboards, we're going to look at ads that people can't forget. These campaigns didn't just sell stuff – they became part of our conversations, our jokes, our world.

We're going to look at some amazing advertisement examples. Whether you run a business or just like cool ads, you'll enjoy this. We'll see how clever ads get people's attention and make them want to buy stuff. It's like a fun tour of the best ads out there. You'll see how creative ideas turn into great marketing.

Ready to see some awesome ads? Let's go!

What Are the Different Types of Advertisements?

Before we jump into the best of the best, let's quickly break down the main types of ads you'll see out there: 

1. Print Advertising

Imagine flipping through your favourite magazine and BAM! A full-page ad catches your eye. That's print advertising in action. It's not just magazines though - think about those huge billboards that make you look twice or the flyers that end up on your car windshield. Print ads are like the classic rock of advertising - they've been around forever, but they still know how to rock! 

Fun fact: Some print ads use scented ink to really grab your attention. Smell an ad for coffee lately? That's no accident! 

2. Television Advertising

TV ads are like mini-movies that sneak into your living room. One minute you're watching your favourite show, the next you're laughing at a talking gecko selling insurance. These ads use all the tricks - catchy music, cool visuals, and sometimes even your favourite celebrities. They're trying to tell a story and sell you something in just 30 seconds! 

Pro tip: Watch the Super Bowl even if you don't like football. The ads are often more entertaining than the game! 

3. Radio Advertising

Close your eyes and listen. That catchy jingle you can't get out of your head? Yep, that's radio advertising working its magic. These ads are audio-only, so they have to work extra hard to grab your attention. They're perfect for when you're driving to work or doing chores around the house. 

Did you know? Some radio ads are so catchy that people actually call the station to request them like songs! 

4. Online Advertising

Online ads are everywhere - popping up on your favourite websites, sneaking into your social media feeds, and even following you around the internet (creepy, right?). But here's the cool part: these ads can be super smart. Like, "knows-what-you-had-for-breakfast" smart. They use data to figure out exactly what you might like, which is why you might see ads for dog toys right after searching for puppy videos. 

Insider secret: Some online ads can change based on the weather in your area. Sunny day? You might see more ads for sunscreen!

5. Out-Of-Home Advertising

This is the fancy term for ads you see when you're out and about. It's not just billboards (though those are part of it). Think about ads on buses, in subway stations, or even projected onto buildings at night. These ads have to be bold and quick to read because you're usually on the move when you see them. 

Cool example: Some bus stop ads in Sweden released the smell of baked potatoes to promote a restaurant! 

6. Product Placement

Ever noticed how the characters in your favourite TV shows always seem to be using the same brand of phone? Or drinking a specific brand of soda? That's product placement - sneaking products into movies, TV shows, and even video games. It's like stealth advertising! 

Did you catch it? The movie E.T. famously used Reese's Pieces, making sales of the candy skyrocket! 

Each type has its own strengths, and the best marketers know how to mix and match them to create campaigns that really pop. 

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Best Advertisement Examples of All Time

1. Apple MacBook "Get A Mac" 

Remember those cool guys who personified Mac and PC? That was Apple's genius at work. They took something as boring as computer specs and turned it into a funny, relatable series of conversations. It wasn't just about showing off features; it was about creating a vibe that made you want to be part of the Apple Club. 

2. KFC "FCK" Apology 

When KFC ran out of chicken (yes, a chicken place ran out of chicken!), they could have hidden. Instead, they ran an ad with their bucket showing "FCK". It was bold, it was honest, and people loved it. It turned a potential disaster into a win, showing that owning up to mistakes can actually make people like you more. 

3. Coca-Cola: Share A Coke 

Coca-Cola took personalisation to a whole new level by putting people's names on their bottles. Suddenly, everyone was hunting for their name or their friend's name. It was simple but brilliant. This commercial advertisement example shows how making people feel special can lead to massive sales. 

4. IKEA "Pee On This" 

IKEA took advertising examples to a whole new level of weird - in a good way. They created a print ad that doubled as a pregnancy test. If you were pregnant, it revealed a discount on a crib. It was strange, sure, but it got everyone talking. It showed that sometimes, the craziest ideas can be the most effective. 

5. Nike "Just Do It." 

Three words. That's all it took for Nike to create one of the most iconic slogans ever. It's not about shoes or clothes; it's about motivation. This campaign shows how the best advertisement strategies often tap into emotions rather than just selling products. 

6. McDonald's: "I'm Lovin' It" 

This catchy jingle became more than just an ad; it became part of pop culture. McDonald's managed to associate their brand with good feelings and fun times. It's a perfect example of how a good advertisement can change how people feel about a brand. 

7. KitKat: "Gimme A Break"

KitKat turned the simple act of breaking their chocolate bar into a metaphor for taking a break in life. It's clever because it links the product directly to a moment in people's daily routines. This advertisement example shows how connecting your product to a common experience can make it unforgettable. 

8. Levi's: A Guide to Casual Businesswear 

When offices started allowing casual Fridays, Levi's swooped in with a hilarious guide on how to wear jeans to work. It was timely, and funny, and positioned Levi's as the go-to brand for this new trend. This campaign shows how being aware of cultural shifts can lead to brilliant advertising examples. 

9. Dove: Real Beauty 

Dove decided to challenge beauty standards by featuring real women of all shapes and sizes. It wasn't just about selling soap; it was about changing how women see themselves. This campaign proves that advertisements examples can do more than sell products - they can change society. 

10. Mercedes-Benz: The Invisible Car 

Mercedes covered a car in LEDs to make it look invisible, showcasing how eco-friendly it was. It was a jaw-dropping visual that got everyone talking. This commercial advertisement example shows how thinking outside the box can create unforgettable moments. 

11. Oreo's "Dunk in the Dark" 

During a Super Bowl blackout, Oreo tweeted a simple ad saying you could still dunk in the dark. It was quick, clever, and perfectly timed. This online advertising example shows the power of being quick on your feet in the digital age. 

12. Spotify's personalised "Wrapped" campaign 

Spotify turned user data into a fun, shareable end-of-year recap. It's personal, it's fun, and it gets people talking about the brand without feeling like an ad. This clever use of data is a great example of modern advertising examples. 

13. Airbnb's "We Are Here" 

Airbnb shifted focus from just offering places to stay to showcasing the experiences you can have. By telling real stories from hosts and guests, they made their service feel more personal and exciting. It's a great example of how commercial advertisement can be about selling a lifestyle, not just a service.  

14. Wendy's Twitter Roast Campaign  

Wendy's took to Twitter with a sassy, no-holds-barred attitude, roasting competitors and even customers (in good fun). It was risky, but it paid off, making their account a must-follow. This online advertising example shows how a strong brand voice can turn social media into a powerful ad platform. 

15. Dunkin' Donuts "America runs on Dunkin'" 

This campaign positioned Dunkin' not just as a place for doughnuts, but as fuel for the nation. It's clever because it elevates the brand from a simple food joint to an essential part of people's lives. This advertisement example shows how reframing your product can change its whole image. 

16. Google's "Reunion" 

Google told a touching story of two childhood friends separated by the India-Pakistan partition, reunited through Google Search. It wasn't about features; it was about the human impact of technology. This ad shows how good advertisement examples can tell powerful stories that resonate across cultures. 

17. Absolut Vodka's iconic prints 

Absolut turned its bottle into a canvas, creating a series of artistic ads that became collectables. This campaign blurred the lines between advertising and art, showing how commercial advertisement examples can become cultural touchstones. 

18. Old Spice "The man your man could smell like" 

Old Spice revamped its image with this hilariously over-the-top campaign. It was weird, it was funny, and it got everyone talking. This advertisement example shows how embracing the absurd can breathe new life into an old brand. 

19. Copenhagen Zoo Snake Bus 

The Copenhagen Zoo wrapped city buses to look like giant snakes, with the mouth opening where the doors were. It was a simple idea, but it turned heads everywhere the bus went. This creative advertisement example shows how thinking big can turn everyday objects into amazing ads. 

20. Snickers: You're Not You When You're Hungry Campaign 

Snickers used celebrities acting out of character to show how hunger can change you. It was funny, relatable, and tied perfectly to their product. This campaign is a masterclass in how to create a flexible concept that can spawn countless advertisement examples. 

What Made These Commercial Advertisement Examples Stand Out

So, what can we learn from these awesome ads? Here are some key points:

  1. Don't be afraid to be bold or even a little weird. Sometimes, the craziest ideas are the ones that stick.
  2. Know your audience. The best ads speak directly to the people they're trying to reach.
  3. Be timely. Jumping on trends or current events can make your ad feel super relevant.
  4. Tell a story. People remember stories much better than they remember facts and figures.
  5. Be authentic. Whether you're apologising or celebrating, honesty resonates with people.
  6. Use humor. Making people laugh is a great way to make them remember you.
  7. Think beyond your product. The best ads often sell a feeling or a lifestyle, not just a thing.

Want to stay on top of the latest ad trends? Keep an eye on award-winning campaigns, follow creative agencies on social media, and don't be afraid to experiment with your own ideas.

Remember, great advertising is always evolving. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow, so stay curious and keep learning.

WAC: Your Ideas, Our Expertise, Amazing Results

Got a great idea for an ad but not sure how to make it happen. That's where Webandcrafts (WAC) comes in.

We're the folks who turn cool ideas into ads that work. Whether you want to get big on social media or need a complete marketing plan, we've got you covered.

Here's what makes us special:

  • We know how to make ads people actually want to see
  • Our team is creative and tech-savvy
  • We work with all kinds of businesses, big and small
  • We don't just make pretty ads - we make ads that sell

Think of us as your advertising sidekick. We're here to help your brand stand out and get noticed.

Want to see your brand everywhere? Want people to talk about your product? That's what we do best.

Don't let your great ideas go to waste. Team up with WAC and watch your brand take off. 

Ready to make some awesome ads? Let's chat and see what we can create together!

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