How to Design a Logo: 10 Crucial Things to Consider in 2024

How to Design a Logo: 10 Crucial Things to Consider in 2024

By Anjaly Chandran, Content Developer at Webandcrafts. She has been involved in content writing and copywriting for 5+ years, specialising in website content, blogs, copies, technical writing, case studies and whitepapers.
  • Published in Blog on January 04, 2024
  • Last Updated on August 28, 2024
  • 8 min read
How to Design a Logo: 10 Pro Tips to Consider in 2024

    In a digital marketplace, first impressions make everything—visual identity plays a key role in this world. Brands can attract or distract prospects in just a few seconds. Businesses in the current era crave both credibility and attention.

    Brand building demands you walk through multiple touchpoints, especially when it comes to logo design. A logo designer is responsible for magnifying the brand’s visual identity.

    Designing a great logo can depend on your ability to build a strong impression. It is one of the most versatile pieces of branding potential customers come across; hence, it’s important to make sure it communicates the brand identity.

    If you’re planning a new logo design, you need to think about the aspects that help to augment it with the brand. In this blog, let’s dive deep into the 10 things you need to consider while designing a logo to reach the right audience.

    Why Is Logo Design So Important?

    Anyone who starts a business should invest in logo design; however, many people fail to understand that having a great logo is the cornerstone of maintaining the brand identity. Here are the reasons why logo design is so important:

    • Great impression for your brand
    • It is a strategic branding tool
    • The logo improves brand loyalty
    • Distinguishes you from the competition

    A logo forms the keystone of your brand, regardless of the type of business you own. A professionally designed logo is significant for identifying the company and letting it outweigh the competitors. 

    Types of Logo Design 

    If you think about how to make a logo for business, here are seven major types you can choose from while you create your logo. You can pick the one that fits well with your company name or the overall brand aesthetic.

    1. Lettermarks or Monogram Logos

    Lettermark logos are the ideal options that can streamline the company logo, particularly when the name is long or difficult to remember. Many businesses go for initials that represent their business names. These monograms could be a great fit for minimalist logos.

    2. Wordmarks or Logotypes

    Wordmarks are the best way to use a creative name for logo design. To add personality and value to these logo designs, they usually incorporate typography. If you have a pretty name for your brand, this would be the ideal option to put these names in the foreground. 

    3. Pictorial Marks or Logo Symbols

    Logo symbols or pictorial marks are what we consider when we hear the term ‘logo’. These are the iconographic symbols that greatly represent your brand using an image. You can opt for something simple or more complex, but ensure that you pick a symbol that makes a unique connection to your brand. Sometimes, these are also seen paired with the wordmark.

    4. Abstract Logo Marks

    Rather than a recognisable symbol, the abstract logo marks are specific geometric forms that don’t form a direct connection to an existing image; however, they create something completely new for the brand. An abstract logo mark encapsulates a business into a symbol that is unique to the brand. You can also let the abstract logo create a certain feeling or mood and figure out the meanings of various geometric logo shapes.

    5. Mascots

    Mascot logos are a fun way to give a personality to the brand. These are the cartoonish and colourful characters that connect to the business in the most approachable and reliable way. It is usually a living character that signifies a business or an organisation, with a life outside the logo. 

    6. Combination Mark

    A combination mark combines a wordmark and symbol to create a highly recognisable logo. The brand name is either integrated into the graphic element or placed adjacent to the symbol. People connect these elements with the brand, which merges multiple logo design ideas for a unified brand image. 

    7. Emblem

    Just like the combination marks, emblem logos are a combination of pictorial and word elements. These usually include the text integrated with an icon or symbol, like seals, badges or crests. 

    Variations of Logo Design To Boost Your Marketing

    Your marketing can take its best versions with a careful analysis of the four variations of the logo design  as follows:

    Main Logo:

    This type of logo design specifically has a full company name followed by a sub-mark to symbolise the company.


    Your logo design might not suit all the colour schemes. For example, you might have to make variations in the logo for a white background compared to how it works for a black background.

    Simplified Version:

    The simplified logo design works when you don’t have adequate space and you require a logo that well fits the condensed areas.


    Sub-mark logo design is when you want something simple that you can keep on social media or any platform so that people will instantly recognise what you talk about. 

    10 Logo Design Tips Your Business Should Consider

    Let’s delve into the useful tips and tricks that let you understand how to design a logo effectively:

    Understand the Importance of Incorporating a Logo

    Business is an art of matchmaking—a mission of trying to drive the right customers and persuade them to fall in love with your brand. Your logo is something that makes people take an interest in and know more about you.

    It gives customers information on the brand and lets them know whether it’s right for them. Since the logo is an integral part of the brand, you need to make sure it’s well designed. Make your logo count! A professional logo design not only has the capability to communicate what you stand for, but it also creates a great first impression and lets your brand stand out from the crowd.

    Watch Out for the Competition

    Your competition is the best place where you can get ideas for logo design. Check out what exists there already, what works great with the audience, and what you need to avoid. While keeping an eye on the other businesses, think about what makes them unique and how you can incorporate these differences into the logo design.

    Make sure you clearly set yourself apart from the competition. If the other businesses related to your industry go monochrome, you should choose some colour to stand out. If the competitors go for conventional logos, a modern and fun logo can attract attention.

    Make It Timeless

    Design trends evolve, making this a trend. Certain trends stick for a long time, while others are periodic. While it’s important to adhere to the latest trends, you shouldn’t completely depend on them, as your logo and brand could quickly become outdated.

    It’s not wrong when you stay updated about the latest trends but what you apply should be combined with your imaginative abilities, making your idea unique and, most importantly, timeless.

    Consider Black and White Design First

    While there are numerous options to choose particular colour ranges, opting for a perfect colour palette could be time-consuming and challenging for both clients and designers during the onset of a project.

    Due to this, it is beneficial to start creating the logos in black and white before the logo design process turns to colour.

    Pay Attention to the Typography

    Typography is the soul of a logo design. Choosing the appropriate typography is crucial, especially when you want to make the logo complete. If your brandmark includes text either in the logo or in the form of a tagline, you should be careful while choosing the appropriate fonts. Serif or Sans Serif fonts make the ideal bet. You can also take inspiration from the custom fonts of brand giants.

    Take Inspiration for Reference

    One of the most crucial things to keep in mind is not to copy the work of others. There is a great difference between copying and taking inspiration.

    Copying a designer’s work is unethical. There are several templates and gallery sites you can use for reference purposes. These help you get design ideas and start a design journey. 

    Think Out of Box

    The primary goal of a completed logo should be to make it memorable for end users and remind them about the aesthetics and value of the brand.

    Think uniquely until you explore something new, begin experimenting with various styles and design something inspiring and cool.

    Minimalistic Design

    A unique logo doesn’t mean it needs to be visually complex. Avoid the complexity and for that, you need to rely on the concept of minimalism. Segregate your logo design ideas and add or remove the design elements that make your logo design simple. Eliminate the extra elements when in doubt.

    Utilise a minimal colour palette and choose the icons, shapes, symbols, and font styles that don’t keep your visual message unclear. With more elements, the logo design becomes difficult to comprehend, so always go for less.

    Choose Impactful Colours

    Colours have a great impact on branding as they convey meanings and express emotions. Before you choose a colour for the brand, you need to consider the psychological impact the colours have and how well they align with the personality of the brand.

    The logo should work best in both colour and black and white settings. Choose colours that are attractive and meaningful to the target audience. This sets the brand apart from the competition and creates a powerful visual identity. Choosing colours should be done in such a way that they stand the test of time and become relevant to your brand.

    Get Design Consulting Services or Hire a Logo Design Expert

    Branding and logo design influence how customers perceive your business, so taking shortcuts to create a logo isn’t a feasible solution. With the help of a logo design company or by hiring logo design specialists, you can transform your logo-making ideas into a reality.

    Design experts can break down the brand story into an idea that you can communicate in the form of an image. They help you to balance various aspects like font, colour, image selections, etc. to develop a logo that clearly conveys what you wish to see.

    Neglecting design expertise can cause complicated mistakes. For instance, selecting colours that don’t complement each other, creating a logo with too many details, or using an image that doesn’t scale well with the various platforms are caused by a lack of expertise.

    Investing in logo design expertise helps you create a logo that:

    • Reflects the values of your brand
    • Communicates the creative logo ideas
    • Lays down the goals
    • Dives into the expertise to create the best final product

    The Journey Towards Bringing Final Logo Design into Life

    The most essential aspect is to bring the different logo design elements together and create a harmonious result that gives you the vibe you search for. Evaluating the logo options might be difficult; hence, gather some feedback from potential customers, friends, or colleagues, which might help you come to a decision.

    A well-designed logo brings in more indirect revenue, nurtures customer retention rates and lets people accept you as a reliable brand. Practice makes the task perfect and with the aforementioned logo design tips, you will be capable of designing a perfect logo that drives your brand growth.

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