What is Ghost Commerce and How Does It Work?

What is Ghost Commerce and How Does It Work?

By Renish TW, SEO Manager at Webandcrafts with over 6 years of experience in SEO and content strategy. He holds a Bachelor's degree in English and excels in crafting strategies that enhance online visibility and drive business growth.
  • Published in Blog on August 26, 2024
  • Last Updated on September 02, 2024
  • 13 mins read
What is Ghost Commerce

Imagine running an online store without ever touching a single product, managing inventory, or worrying about shipping. Well, that's the essence of ghost commerce. This innovative approach to online selling is catching the eye of entrepreneurs and established businesses alike, promising a new way to tap into the booming e-commerce market.

The concept of ghost commerce isn't new, but its popularity has surged alongside the booming e-commerce market. With U.S. e-commerce revenue projected to increase by 53.79% between 2024 and 2029 (Statista Research Department), ghost eCommerce is well-positioned to capture a slice of this growth. This trend has many asking, "What is ghost commerce, and how can I get involved?" 

This article explains the essentials of ghost commerce, from its basics to its applications. Whether you're a curious consumer or a business owner eyeing expansion, we'll explore how this model is reshaping online retail.

What is Ghost Commerce?

At its core, ghost commerce is a retail fulfilment method where a store doesn't keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the merchant never sees or handles the product. 

This implies that the seller acts as a middleman between the supplier and the customer. The seller's primary roles are marketing the products, managing the online store, and handling customer service. The supplier, on the other hand, takes care of inventory, storage, and shipping. 

Characteristics of Ghost Commerce

To better understand what Ghost Commerce entails, let's look at its key characteristics: 

  1. No Inventory: In contrast to established retail models, ghost commerce doesn't require the seller to stock or own inventory. This significantly reduces upfront costs and risks associated with unsold stock. 
  2. Low Overhead: Without inventory management or warehousing needs, it involves the least overhead expenses. This makes
    ghost commerce an attractive option for entrepreneurs with limited capital. 
  3. Location Independence: One of the most appealing aspects of ghost commerce is that it can be run from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility allows entrepreneurs to operate their businesses from home while travelling, or from any location they choose. 
  4. Wide Product Selection: Without physical storage constraints, ghost commerce businesses can offer a vast array of products. This allows sellers to test different product lines and niches without significant financial risk. 
  5. Scalability: Ghost commerce businesses can easily scale up or down based on demand. There's no need to worry about warehouse space or inventory levels as the business grows. 
  6. Focus on Marketing and Customer Service: Since suppliers handle the operational aspects of fulfilment, ghost commerce entrepreneurs can focus their efforts on marketing their products and providing excellent customer service. 
  7. Rapid Market Entry: With ghost commerce, businesses can quickly enter new markets or test new product lines without the need for significant upfront investment in inventory. 

Ghost Commerce Vs. eCommerce

While Ghost Commerce falls under the broader umbrella of e-commerce, there are key differences that set it apart from the e-commerce models.  Understanding these differences is crucial for anyone considering entering the world of online retail.



Ghost Commerce

Inventory Management

Requires purchasing and managing inventoryNo inventory management is needed; products are sourced from suppliers as orders come in

Shipping and Fulfillment

Businesses responsible for storing, packing, and shippingSuppliers handle these aspects, shipping directly to customers

Initial Investment

Often requires significant capital for inventory and warehousingTypically, it requires less capital; focus on setting up an online store and marketing

Profit Margins

Varies by model:

  • Resellers: Moderate margins
  • Private label: Higher margins
  • Manufacturers: Potentially highest margins
Moderate margins; products purchased at wholesale prices from suppliers

Control Over Products

More control over quality, packaging, and brandingLess control; products come directly from suppliers


Higher risk due to inventory investmentLower risk with no upfront inventory cost


Scaling requires significant investment in inventory and infrastructureEasier to scale as suppliers handle increased order volume

Product Knowledge

Requires in-depth knowledge of inventory management, quality control, and customer serviceRequires comprehensive knowledge of marketing, customer service, and supplier selection

Understanding these differences is crucial when deciding which e-commerce model best suits your business goals and resources.

Ghost Commerce: Pros and Cons

Like any business model, Ghost Commerce has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let's explore these in detail to give you a balanced view of what to expect if you're considering entering the world of Ghost Commerce. 

Pros of Ghost Commerce:

1. Low Startup Costs 

One of the most significant advantages of Ghost Commerce is the low initial investment required. Without purchasing inventory upfront, you can start businesses with less capital.   

2. Reduced Risk  

Since you don't have to buy inventory in advance, there's less financial risk involved. You're not stuck with unsold products if a particular item doesn't sell well.   

3. Location Flexibility  

Ghost Commerce businesses can be run from anywhere with an internet connection, offering entrepreneurs the freedom to work from home or while travelling.   

4. Easy to Test New Product Ideas  

With Ghost eCommerce, you can easily add new products to your store without financial commitment. This allows for quick testing and adaptation to market trends.   

5. No Inventory Management  

You don't have to worry about storage, tracking inventory levels, or dealing with unsold stock.   

6. Wide Product Selection  

Without physical inventory limitations, you can offer a vast array of products to your customers.   

7. Scalability  

It's relatively easy to scale a ghost commerce business as order volume increases, without worrying about warehouse space or inventory management.   

8. Focus on Core Business Activities  

With fulfilment handled by suppliers, you can focus on marketing, customer service, and growing your business.      

Cons of Ghost Commerce:   

1. Lower Profit Margins   

In ghost commerce, profit margins are often lower than in other e-commerce models. This is mainly because businesses lack control over pricing and manufacturing costs. They buy from suppliers at set wholesale prices, allowing for markup, but without bulk purchasing power. Competition in the digital space and marketing costs can further squeeze profits. However, margins vary depending on product niches and supplier relationships.      

2. Limited Supply Chain Control    

You depend on suppliers for product quality and delivery. This can lead to issues beyond your control, potentially affecting customer satisfaction and your business reputation.

3. Potential for Shipping Complications    

As you're not handling the shipping yourself, there may be delays or errors that are difficult for you to resolve quickly.      

4. Increased Competition    

The low barrier to entry means there's often significant competition in popular product niches.       

5. Reliance on Suppliers    

Your business is dependent on the reliability and efficiency of your suppliers. If they face issues, it directly impacts your business.      

6. Customer Service Challenges     

Since you don't handle the products directly, addressing certain customer inquiries or complaints can be more challenging.      

7. Branding Limitations     

It's often more difficult to create a unique brand identity when you don't control product manufacturing or packaging.      

8. Potential for Stockouts     

If a supplier runs out of a popular item, you may not be able to fulfil orders, potentially leading to customer disappointment.      

Understanding these pros and cons is crucial when deciding if Ghost eCommerce is the right business model for you. While the low startup costs and flexibility are attractive, it's important to consider the challenges and develop strategies to address them.

How to Start Ghost Commerce?

If you're intrigued by the concept of ghost commerce and wondering how to start ghost commerce, here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started: 

1. Choose Your Niche

  • Research different product categories and identify a niche that interests you and has market potential. 
  • Consider factors like competition, profit margins, and target audience. 

2. Research and Choose Suppliers

  • Look for reliable suppliers who offer quality products and efficient shipping. 
  • Compare different suppliers based on product range, pricing, shipping times, and customer service. 

3. Set Up Your Online Store

  • Consult an e-commerce agency for expert guidance and assistance: 
  • Collaborate with the agency to design, develop, and manage your website with a user-friendly interface and attractive layout, tailored to meet your specific preferences and objectives. 

4. List products

  • Add products from your chosen suppliers to your online store. 
  • Write compelling product descriptions and use high-quality images. 
  • Set competitive prices that allow for a profitable margin. 

5. Establish Your Business Legally

  • Register your business according to local regulations. 
  • Obtain necessary licences and permits. 
  • Set up a business bank account and payment processing system. 

6. Create a System for Order Processing

  • Develop a streamlined process for receiving orders and forwarding them to suppliers. 
  • Consider using automation tools to minimise manual work. 

7. Set Up Customer Service Channels

  • Establish clear communication channels for customer inquiries and support. 
  • Create FAQ pages and return policies. 

8. Develop a Marketing Strategy:

  • Identify your target audience and the best channels to reach them. 
  • Implement SEO strategies to improve your store's visibility in search results. 
  • Consider using social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing. 

9. Launch and Monitor:

  • Once everything is set up, launch your store. 
  • Continuously monitor your sales, customer feedback, and supplier performance. 

10. Optimise and Scale:

  • Analyse your data and customer feedback to identify areas for improvement. 
  • Continuously test new products and marketing strategies. 
  • As your business grows, consider expanding your product range or entering new markets. 

Ready to build an online store for your ghost commerce business?

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The Potential of Ghost Commerce

As we look deeper into ghost commerce, it's clear that this business model holds significant potential for the future of online retail. The flexibility, low startup costs, and scalability of ghost commerce make it an attractive option for entrepreneurs and established businesses looking to expand their online presence.  

Here are some key factors contributing to the potential of ghost commerce:   

1. Global Market Access

Ghost commerce allows businesses to reach customers worldwide without the need for international warehouses or complex logistics networks.  

2. Rapid Adaptation to Trends

With the ability to quickly add or remove products from their stores, ghost commerce businesses can swiftly adapt to changing consumer preferences and market trends.  

3. Reduced Financial Risk

The low upfront investment and lack of inventory risk make ghost commerce an appealing option for entrepreneurs, potentially leading to increased innovation in the e-commerce space.  

4. Focus on Core Competencies

By outsourcing inventory and fulfilment, businesses can focus on their strengths in areas like marketing, customer service, and product curation.  

5. Integration With Emerging Technologies

As AI, machine learning, and automation technologies advance, they can be seamlessly integrated into ghost commerce operations, such as automated inventory management and personalised customer interactions.  

6. Sustainability Potential

By optimising shipping routes and reducing the need for excessive warehousing, ghost commerce could contribute to more sustainable e-commerce practices.

7. Democratisation of Entrepreneurship

The low barrier to entry in ghost commerce opens up opportunities for a wider range of individuals to start their online businesses.  

Best Marketing Strategies For Ghost Commerce

Success in ghost commerce heavily relies on effective marketing strategies. Here are three powerful marketing approaches that can help boost your ghost commerce business: 

Influencer Marketing:

  • Collaborate with social media influencers to showcase your products and reach a wider audience. 
  • This strategy can be particularly effective for niche products or targeting specific demographics. 
  • Micro-influencers often offer good value and high engagement rates. 
  • Ensure that the influencers' values and audience align with your brand for the best results. 

Email Marketing:

  • Build a strong email list and use targeted campaigns to engage customers, promote new products, and drive sales.
  • Personalised email marketing can significantly boost customer retention and lifetime value. 
  • Segment your email list based on customer behaviour and preferences for more effective targeting. 
  • Use automation tools to set up welcome series, abandoned cart reminders, and post-purchase follow-ups. 

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation):

  • Optimise your online store and product listings for search engines to increase organic traffic. 
  • Focus on long-tail keywords related to your products and niche. 
  • Create high-quality, informative product descriptions that include relevant keywords. 
  • Develop a content marketing strategy with blog posts, buying guides, and how-to articles to attract and engage potential customers. 
  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly, as these are important ranking factors. 

Implementing these marketing strategies can help increase visibility, drive traffic to your store, and ultimately boost sales. Remember, the key to successful marketing in ghost commerce is to continuously test, analyse, and refine your strategies based on performance data and customer feedback.

Want to enhance your ghost commerce marketing strategy?

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Bottom Line

Ghost Commerce is revolutionising online selling with its low-risk, flexible, and scalable model ideal for entrepreneurs and businesses entering the digital marketplace. This innovative approach allows sellers to operate online stores without managing inventory or shipping logistics. It represents a paradigm shift in online retail, democratising entrepreneurship by eliminating traditional entry barriers.

As Ghost Commerce explained, this model enables businesses to adapt and grow in the evolving e-commerce landscape. While it presents challenges like lower profit margins and reduced supply chain control, its potential benefits and growth opportunities make it an exciting prospect for digital marketplace entrepreneurs. The ability to launch an online business with minimal upfront investment, quickly test product lines, and scale operations without physical infrastructure is particularly appealing in today's fast-paced, digital-first economy.

In 2023, global retail e-commerce sales reached an estimated 5.8 trillion U.S. dollars, with projections suggesting a 39% growth to surpass eight trillion dollars by 2027. The significance of Ghost Commerce in adapting and succeeding in this rapidly expanding market cannot be overstated. Staying informed about the latest trends, technologies, and best practices is crucial for maintaining competitiveness, whether starting a Ghost Commerce venture or integrating it into existing operations.

Do you need to develop an online store that can generate sales for your ghost commerce venture? We are specialized in providing ecommerce development solutions that drive sales and help your business thrive in the digital age. Let us build a strong technical foundation for your ghost commerce success. Contact us today!

Ready to launch your Ghost Commerce store?

Let's get started


Ghost commerce is a retail fulfilment method where the seller doesn't keep inventory but instead forwards customer orders to a supplier who ships directly to the customer.
The main difference is that ghost commerce doesn't require inventory management or shipping logistics, as these are handled by the supplier. E-commerce involves purchasing, storing, and shipping inventory.
While profit margins can be lower than e-commerce, the reduced overhead and risk can make it a profitable venture with the right strategy and execution. Success often depends on effective marketing and choosing the right products and suppliers.
Key challenges include lower profit margins, less control over the supply chain, potential shipping complications, and increased competition due to low barriers to entry.
To start a ghost commerce business, you'll need to choose reliable suppliers, set up an online store, list products, and develop a system for managing orders and customer service. It's also crucial to create effective marketing strategies to drive traffic and sales.